Solar Energy in Spanish Homes: Key Steps for Solar Panel Installation

The unstoppable boom in the renewable energy sector is becoming palpable in Spanish households. In 2022, more than 200,000 families opted for the installation of self-consumption panels, according to data from the Association of Renewable Energy Companies (APPA). This phenomenon is a clear reflection of the growing trend towards reducing energy dependence and promising government support that bodes well for even greater momentum. It is expected that by the end of 2024, one million self-consumption installations will be in operation throughout the country.

Despite this booming trend, the general public is still unaware of the technical details behind these installations. Samara Energía, aware of this knowledge gap, has set out to shed light on the procedures and formalities required for the installation of solar panels in homes.

Key Steps to Installing Solar Panels on Homes

1. Personalized Solar Study: The first crucial step is to carry out a personalized solar study to optimize the installation using proprietary technology. In order to simplify the energy transition of households, Samara Energía is in charge of managing the permits and applications for grants, including those coming from the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Fund. This fund channels resources from the Next Gen European Funds and future REPower-EU funds, administered by the Autonomous Communities.

2. Notification and Permit Application: Before starting the installation, the city council must be notified and, in some cases, a road occupation must be requested. If this is done by means of a responsible declaration, it is not necessary to wait for the response from the administration. After this stage, the installation company seeks the ICIO rebate, a municipal tax credit available in certain municipalities.

3. Legalization and Immediate Consumption: Although the installation must be legalized, it is possible to start consuming the energy generated by the panels from the beginning. After submitting the legalization request to the Ministry of Industry, a response is expected within a period of between two weeks and three months. From then on, it is possible to apply for the municipal IBI rebate, which will come into effect the following year.

Justification for Incentives: To follow the process established by the Next Gen Funds, which offer incentives of 600 euros per kWp installed for residential solar energy and 490 euros per kWh for batteries, it is necessary to justify the installation.

5. Surplus Compensation: An extremely interesting aspect after legalization is the possibility of requesting surplus compensation. This allows the surplus energy generated by the installation to be sold to the general grid, which can increase the savings in the energy bill by up to 70%.

In the words of Samara Energía, these procedures "do not involve greater magnitude or complexity than other processes related to basic services in our homes". Moreover, they are under constant review to accelerate the transition to a more sustainable energy matrix. If you are considering joining the solar energy revolution, these steps will provide you with a solid guide for a successful transition to a greener, more energy-efficient home.