Step-by-Step Guide to Applying for Social Housing in Madrid 2024

Looking for social housing in Madrid can be a challenging process, but Empresa Municipal de Vivienda y Suelo (EMVS) offers an accessible path for those with limited resources. Here is a step-by-step guide to applying for social housing in the Spanish capital.

Steps to Apply for Social Housing:

1. Access the EMVS website: Enter the website of the Municipal Housing and Land Company:

2. Register as an Applicant: In the "Access to Housing" section, you will find the option to register as a housing applicant. Click on this link.

3. Meet the Registration Requirements: Check the requirements to register in the Permanent Registry of Housing Applicants (RPSV). These requirements include having an income less than or equal to 3.5 times the IPREM, not being the owner of another home, residing and/or working in Madrid, among others.

Necessary Documentation: Gather the necessary documentation, which includes DNI/NIE, Family Book, certificates in case of separation or disability, and other specific documents according to your situation.

4. Download and Complete the Application: Download the application form from the corresponding page and complete all the requested information. Be sure to include accurate information about your situation, residence and location preferences.

5. Submit the Application: Complete the online RPSV registration form, attaching the required documentation. Accept the terms and conditions at the bottom of the page.

In-person application: If you prefer the in-person option, visit the EMVS offices at 13 Palos de la Frontera Street. It is necessary to make an appointment by calling 915 168 150.

Allocation of Social Housing: The selection of the successful bidders is made considering different demand groups, such as people in vulnerable situations, young people, the elderly, single-parent families, people with disabilities, victims of gender violence, among others.

Social Housing Developments in Madrid: Check the available social housing developments and apartments in this link, where you will find detailed information about the homes on offer.

Plan Vive de la Comunidad de Madrid: If you are interested in the Plan Vive, follow the steps online or in person to register in the Permanent Registry of Housing Applicants of the EMVS.

Waiting Time: Enrollment is for 4 years, but assignments are usually made sooner. Waiting times vary, but some people report getting housing in approximately six to nine months.

Access to Social Housing: If you are looking for social housing in Madrid, go to the EMVS, where you will find specific information on requirements and procedures.

Remember that this process can change, so always check the latest information on the official EMVS website. Good luck in your search for social housing in Madrid!