Business Trends in Spain: Company Creation and Dissolution in 2023

The business fabric in Spain is experiencing remarkable growth despite the economic uncertainty that has marked recent times. According to data provided by Iberinform, a subsidiary of Crédito y Caución, the country has witnessed the incorporation of a total of 83,786 new companies between January and September, representing an 11% increase compared to the same period last year.

This entrepreneurial drive finds its undisputed leader in the construction and real estate sector, which has cornered approximately a quarter of these new companies, reaching an impressive 24.1% of the total so far this year. In second place is commerce with 18%, followed closely by business services with 15%, and hospitality with 13%. Within the sector, construction comprises 18%, while real estate accounts for the remaining 6.1%.

In terms of year-on-year evolution, business start-ups in the construction sector have experienced an impressive growth of 26%, more than double the average of all economic activities. However, the real estate sector has recorded a 25% drop compared to the first nine months of the previous year, ranking as one of the steepest declines, along with metallurgy (-69%), the automotive industry (-59%), electronics and ICT (-30%), and the extractive industry (-20%).

In addition to leading in the creation of new companies, the construction sector also leads in business dissolutions, accumulating almost 25% of the total.

According to Iberinform's study, "September's data show a 12% decrease in the dissolution of companies compared to the same month of the previous year. In the year-to-date, a decrease of 1.9% was recorded. The sectors most affected by dissolutions are construction and real estate (24.5% of the total), followed by commerce (19%) and business services (15%). Dissolutions are less frequent in the manufacturing (7%), hospitality (6.5%) and primary sector (1.5%)."

Once again, construction leads with 15%, while real estate accounts for 9.5% of all companies dissolved in Spain between January and September. In year-on-year comparison, there is a 15% increase in companies disappearing in the real estate sector, compared to a 2% increase in the construction sector.

In regional terms, the Community of Madrid stands out as the protagonist in both the creation and dissolution of companies. According to the report, "new companies are mainly concentrated in Madrid (22% of the total), followed by Catalonia (19%), Andalusia (18%) and the Valencian Community (13%)". Similarly, in business closures, "the decrease in the business fabric is concentrated in Madrid (30% of the total), Andalusia (14%), the Valencian Community (12%) and Catalonia (7%)", according to Iberinform.